"A new place just for you!"
2003-08-31 @ 5:46 p.m.

Dear Savannah,

I know it�s been a long time since I wrote, but it really has been busy around here. So many things have happened since my last entry! Two weeks ago the shop caught fire and all our tools were burned. Your Grandfather�s woodworking equipment is all gone. All of my hand tools, saws and things, everything I used to work on the house, cars, trucks even is all gone. While the building was insured, we could never replace the sentimental value of your Grandfather�s tools.
You are growing so fast. Right now your biggest thing is smiling. You smile at us and just kick your legs like crazy! Last week you went in for your second doctor visit. Your Grandmother took you because I still don�t have enough drivers to fill all the trucks. You got four shots! You got two in the tops of each thigh. I don�t have to say it, but you were not very happy with the doctor at all after that. You had some trouble sleeping and developed a low grade temperature that night, but a dose of infant Tylenol solved all your problems. The next morning all was back to normal, save a couple sore spots.
Physically, your gaining weight really fast. The doctor said to start giving you cereal to help keep you from getting so much milk. He was surprised to hear that we had been doing that since week three. Your sister was the same way, so we are just doing again what worked the first time. If we need to make adjustments, we will.
You are very happy baby, and little or no trouble at all. At present you have a small stuffed up nose. I have to go buy a humidifier to help clear that up. You are so very aware of your surroundings. Rather than stare at mobiles or faces, you like to look beyond those things and study the ceiling, and out the window. I, of course, expect you are advanced, and need the challenge! (smile) You enjoy being held, and like your sister, enjoy lazy mornings where we put you between us in our bed. You are quite content and seem to sleep the best while here. Since we didn�t squash your sister, we don�t think we will you either.
Last night while I was burping you, I noticed a bald spot on the very back of your head. I guess you squirm around a bit, eh? At any event, the doctor gave you a clean bill of health and wants to see you again in a couple of months. You have to get two more shots. I don�t like seeing you get them. It really makes a wreck out of me. Silly maybe, but I don�t want to see you hurt, even if it is to help you in the long run.
So how do you like your new space here on Diaryland? I think some people think this is kind of silly, but I�m going to keep doing it because someday you might read it. I will move the few entries here from the other place. I don�t want to say yet why, but I think there is a good reason to write these. Good night Savannah, and I love you sweetheart. Sweet dreams.

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